Empowering Uganda’s youth: Muyunga Bruno’s quest to Speaking 4 the Planet

In the heart of Uganda, Muyunga Bruno, an IT Officer, Environmental Activist, and student mentor at St. Mark’s College Namagoma, is passionately leading a movement to safeguard the natural world for future generations. Bruno’s love for preserving the environment traces back to his childhood, surrounded by Uganda’s stunning landscapes. However, he’s witnessed a troubling trend […]

In the heart of Uganda, Muyunga Bruno, an IT Officer, Environmental Activist, and student mentor at St. Mark’s College Namagoma, is passionately leading a movement to safeguard the natural world for future generations.

Bruno’s love for preserving the environment traces back to his childhood, surrounded by Uganda’s stunning landscapes. However, he’s witnessed a troubling trend of environmental decline over the years. “Gone are the days when you could hear frogs in the evening,” he mourns, pointing to the loss of once-vibrant habitats due to human activities.

Recently returning from the 12th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) in Abu Dhabi, Bruno is reinvigorated. “Numerous factors, especially climate change, have profoundly impacted our environment,” he observes, stressing the urgent need for education and action.

At the WEEC, Bruno noted a critical knowledge gap, especially among younger community members. “Children and youths must learn the importance of preserving our environment,” he insists, noting the lack of guidance from previous generations on conservation efforts.

With this insight, Bruno is launching the “Speaking 4 the Planet” Environmental Speaking Competition at St. Mark’s College Namagoma. Set for April 13, 2024, the event aims to empower students to tackle environmental challenges using their voices and beliefs. It will involve various school clubs, including debate, wildlife, Red Cross, Interact, Scripture Union, mathematics, ICT, entrepreneurship, Swahili (East African Community), and cultural clubs.

Inspired by Mr. Phil Smith, who leads “Speaking 4 the Planet,” Bruno envisions expanding this initiative beyond his school. “I don’t plan to limit this to just our competition,” he shares, detailing ambitions to reach more schools, communities and neighboring countries.

Bruno dreams of a future where the younger generation is not only knowledgeable but also passionate about conserving and protecting the natural environment. “We must raise a generation capable of advocating for the planet,” he stresses.

In his mission to effect change, Bruno humbly seeks support. “This email is a humble request for any assistance—financial, advisory, or knowledge-based,” he appeals, hopeful for partnerships and resources to advance his cause.

As Uganda’s landscape faces mounting challenges from human impact, voices like Muyunga Bruno’s are crucial in paving the way for a sustainable future. Through initiatives such as the “Speaking 4 the Planet” competition, he aims to inspire, educate, and ignite a fervor for environmental conservation among Uganda’s youth.

For those interested in supporting Bruno’s cause or learning more about the “Speaking 4 the Planet” competition, inquiries are welcome at his email (muyungabruno@gmail.com). Together, we can advocate for the planet and cultivate a brighter, greener tomorrow for all.

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