Water, a strategic resource in the Mediterranean area
In this number, Yael Barki-Gateno and Asaf Ariel talk us about an environmental education program focusing on marine litter, in order to increase environmental awreness and responsibility regarding the issue. This initiative started as a collaboration between The French organization CPIE Côte Provençale and the two Israeli NGOs EcoOcean and the Green Network. The program involves schools in France and in Israel. In this article, you can find the full description of the project, results and open discussion about what can be learnt about marine litter.
Learn about AULACRAM, the new educational programme for Marine Conservation with Blanca Bassas, Elena Boadas, Marta Coca and Mo Franch. AULACRAM was born with the aim to bring marine life closer to schools and change the relationship between the society and the sea. The project exists thanks to CRAM Foundation in Catalonia (Spain), a non-profit private foundation dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and the endangered species that inhabit it. Its mission is the protection of marine biodiversity against global threats through local actions. The three main lines of action are: clinic and rescue, investigation and preservation, education and training.
Monica Risso and Stefano Moretto close this number with Waiting COP22: what is next?, talking about Climate is Water, an initiative that brings attention to water as a fundamental issue in official agendas. Water needs more visibility within climate discussions during COP21 and in the future. It is very important for the resilience of climate and society.
3 Water education, toward an international network, di Stefano Moretto e Monica Risso
6 A program for international sharing of marine litter surveys, di Yael Barki-Gateno, Asaf Ariel
9 The sea at school: AULACRAM the new educational programme for Marine Conservation, di Blanca Bassas, Elena Boadas, Marta Coca and Mo Franch
12 Waiting COP22: what is next?, di Monica Risso e Stefano Moretto
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- La Collana del Faro2018.12.1831/2017 Il Restauro Marino: Restoration degli habitat marini
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